Is it really 2015 already? I know January is about to end in a few days but whew! 2014 just flew by so quickly, I somehow wish it wasnt over that soon. But hey, thats life! We must keep on moving forward. May have started the year in a different kind of bang (in a hospital. BOO!) But my hopes are high that the rest of the year will be a healthy one.
I know i am very late in the game (was i ever in it?) but I've been reading some inspiring articles and blogs with lists of goals and tips which lead me into wanting to create my first blog post of the year a sort of "how to" one. How to Make Your Goals for 2105 type of thing. But just short and simple. These 3 tips may not work for everybody but I hope it helps.
1.) Be aware of the things that make you happy.
Before making goals I think its important to know what makes you happy and what your are passionate about because you dont want to spend time doing something that you dont really want. This is to ensure that the goals you are making are for yourself and not somebody else's. Things just get confusing at times and we get hyped out about something that we're not really interested about. So instead of happily achieving a goal, you'll be thinking why you even made that one in the first place.
Like last year. I've made a decision to work in the Middle East and start working there before 2014 ends. Was about to do the applying, paying and processing and all but then I sat down and did a little research of the place that I wanted to go to. Afterwards I realized that it was not what I wanted after all. Good thing I haven't started anything with REAL effort!
2.) Make SMART goals.
I'm pretty sure you've heard of this. And yes this does not only apply in the corporate world but in our personal lives as well. We need to make Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals.
here's an example: Be more active in blogging and write a minimum of 4 posts a month until the year ends. (Because I do want to blog but just keep feeling like I don't have good content.tsk)
3.) Appreciate your progress and keep track of them.
Little things go a long way, so when you are making progress no matter how small they are, celebrate! Because for me, it keeps me motivated to know that what I am doing now is actually helping me realize that goal I want for tomorrow. I don't think you'll be at the top of your game if you are not making small achievements, right? Learn to appreciate and reward yourself.
Tracking your goals will also help you check whether you are still in that time limit you've set for yourself.
Why even care to make SMART goals when you're not even checking if you're still on track?
That's pretty much it! Achieving our goals will not be an easy task, but trying might be the first step. As they say, its not really the destination that matters but how you got there.
As of the moment, here's my new favorite blogger Nicole Eddy and youtuber Mr. Ben Brown for some inspiration and good vibes. Ben and Nicole has tons of exciting adventures with their awesome friends I'm sure you'll want to be in yourself so go check the blog and channel out. And as how he ends his vlogs, "Remember to work hard, be nice to people, and try not to get lost or killed."
Hope that we'll be able to check off something from our list.
Have a blessed year everybody!